About the Inbox
The Inbox holds text messages that have not been deleted or saved. Use Menu 2 1 1 to access the Inbox at any time.
You will see a list of message headers. The icon in front of the header indicates that a message has been read. The
icon indicates that a message has not been read. Scroll to the desired message, then press Read.
About the Saved folder
The Saved folder holds up to 30 saved text messages.
Use Menu 2 1 2 to access the Saved folder and read saved messages.
Storage of incoming messages
When you have an incoming text message and your phone’s memory is full, one or more
If the message memory is still full, your phone will display No space: message waiting. You can clear this notification by pressing OK. You should delete one or more old messages to make room for the new message. The network will
Erasing all text messages
Use Menu 2 1 5 to access the Erase all option for Text messages. Erase all allows you to permanently erase all messages from one of the following categories:
All read Erases all read messages in the inbox All in inbox Erases all messages in the inbox
All saved Erases all messages stored in the Saved folder All in outbox Erases all messages in the outbox (5120i only)