If you remove software, you can only reinstall it if you have the original software
package or a full backup of the removed software package. If you remove a software
package, you may no longer be able to open documents created with that software.
If another software package depends on the software package that you removed,
the other software package may stop working. Refer to the documentation of the
installed software package for details.

Application manager settings

Select Menu > Settings and Application mgr..
Select Installation settings and from the following:
Software installation — Select whether Symbian software that has no verified
digital signature can be installed.
Online certificate check — Select to check the online certificates before
installing an application.
Default web address — Set the default web address used when checking online
With RealPlayer, you can play video clips or stream media files over the air without
saving them to the device first.
RealPlayer does not necessarily support all file formats or all the variations of file
Select Menu > Applications > RealPlayer.

RealPlayer toolbar

In the Video clips, Streaming links, and Recently played views, the following toolbar
icons may be available:
Send — Send a video clip or streaming link.
Play — Play the video clip or video stream.
Other applications
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