Delete — Delete the video clip or streaming link.
Remove — Remove a file from the recently played list.
Play video clips
Select Menu > Applications > RealPlayer.
To play a video clip, select Video clips, and a clip.
To list recently played files, in the application main view, select Recently played.
In the list of video clips, scroll to a clip, select Options and from the following:
Use video clip — Assign a video to a contact or set it as a ringing tone.
Mark/Unmark — Mark items in the list to send or delete multiple items at the
same time.
View details — View details of the selected item, such as format, resolution,
and duration.
Settings — Edit settings for video playback and streaming.
In the Video clips, Recently played and Streaming links views, the following toolbar
icons may be available:
Send — Send a video clip or streaming link.
Play — Play the video clip or video stream.
Delete — Delete the video clip or streaming link.
Remove — Remove a file from the recently played list.
Stream content over the air
In RealPlayer, you can only open an RTSP link. However, RealPlayer plays a RAM file
if you open an HTTP link to it in a browser.
Select Menu > Applications > RealPlayer.
To stream content over the air (network service), select Streaming links and a link.
You can also receive a streaming link in a text message or multimedia message, or
open a link on a web page. Before live content begins streaming, your device
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