Having a spare moment and in need of entertainment? Learn how to watch videos, listen to your
favourite music, and play games.
Watch and listen
You can use your phone to watch videos and listen to music and podcasts while on the move.
Tap Music+Videos.
Play music, podcasts, and videos
Have your favourite media with you while on the move – watch videos, and listen to music and podcasts
wherever you are.
1. Tap Music+Videos.
2. Tap music, videos, or podcasts.
3. To browse by category, swipe left or right.
4. Tap the song, podcast, or video you want to play.
Tip: You can improve the quality of the sound by changing the equalizer settings. On the start
screen, swipe left, and tap Settings > audio.
Pause or resume playback
Tap or .
To play songs in a random order, tap .
Fast-forward or rewind
Tap and hold or .
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