Settings and tools
To secure the phone electronically, select Menu > Settings & Tools > Phone
Settings> Security. This feature protects your phone from unauthorized
outgoing calls or unauthorized access to information stored in the phone.
Enter your lock code (0000 or the last four digits of your phone number), and
select from the following options:
Lock Mode—to prevent others from using your phone or changing location settings
To turn the phone lock on, off, or on when the phone is first switched on,
select Device > Lock, Unlock, or On Power Up > OK. When device lock is on for
the phone, you must input your phone lock code to use the phone. To cancel
LockMode, select Unlock, and enter your lock code.
When Device lock is on, the only outgoing calls that can be made are to the
emergency number programmed into your phone. The phone will remain
locked even if the phone is switched off and switched back on again.
To share position information over the network, select Location. Select
Location On to make position information continually available or select
E911Only to make this information available for emergency services only.
For calls to emergency numbers, location information may be used by the
emergency operator to determine the position of the phone. The functionality
and accuracy of this feature are dependent on the network, satellite systems,
and the agency receiving the information. This feature may not function in all
areas or at all times.
Edit Code—to change the lock code for the phone. Enter matching four-digit lock
codes in the New Code and Confirm Code entry areas, and select OK.
System select
To set your phone to roam or search for another network when you are not in
your home area, select Menu > Settings & Tools > Phone Settings > System Select
and one of the following options:
Automatic B or Automatic A—Search for service in another network. The roaming
rate applies when you are not in the home service area.
Home Only—Make and receive calls in your home area only.