83Copyright © 2006 Nokia. All rights reserved.
You can also select an option to delete the selected note and delete all the notes that you have marked as done.
You can sort the notes by priority or by deadline, send a note to another phone as a text message or a
multimedia message, save a note as a calendar note, or access the calendar.
While viewing a note, you can also select an option to edit the deadline or priority for the note, or mark the
note as done.
■NotesTo write and send notes, select Menu> Organizer > Notes.
To make a not e if n o not e is a dded , sel ect Add; otherwise, select Options > Make a note. Write the note, and
select Save.
Other options include deleting and editing a note. While editing a note, you can also exit the text editor
without saving the changes. You can send the note to compatible devices through infrared, Bluetooth wireless
technology, text message, or a multimedia message. If the note is too long to be sent as a text message, the
phone asks you to delete the appropriate number of characters from your note.
■CalculatorThe calculator in your phone adds, subtracts, multiplies, divides, calculates the square and the square root, and
converts currency values.
Note: This calculator has limited accuracy and is designed for simple calculations.
Select Menu> Organizer > Calculator. When 0 is displayed, enter the first number in the calculation. Press #
for a decimal point. Select Options> Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide, Square, Square root, or Change sign. Enter
the second number. For a total, select Equals. To start a new calculation, first select and hold Clear.