Implanted medical devices
To avoid potential interference, manufacturers of implanted medical devices recommend a minimum separation of 15.3
centimeters (6 inches) between a wireless device and the medical device. Persons who have such devices should:
Always keep the wireless device more than 15.3 centimeters (6 inches) from the medical device.
Not carry the wireless device in a breast pocket.
Hold the wireless device to the ear opposite the medical device.
Turn the wireless device off if there is any reason to suspect that interference is taking place.
Follow the manufacturer directions for the implanted medical device.
If you have any questions about using your wireless device with an implanted medical device, consult your health care provider.
Accessibility solutions
Nokia is committed to making mobile phones easy to use for all individuals, including those with disabilities. For more information,
visit the Nokia website at
Warning: When you use the headset, your ability to hear outside sounds may be affected. Do not use the headset where
it can endanger your safety.
Some wireless devices may interfere with some hearing aids.
Your device complies with FCC rules on hearing aid compatibility. These rules require an M3 rating or higher. The M value of your
device is marked on the device sales package. To determine the M-rating of your hearing aid and compatibility with this device,
consult your hearing health professional. For more info about accessibility, go to
Note: The surface of this device does not contain nickel in the platings. The surface of this device contains stainless steel.
Protect your device from harmful content
Your device may be exposed to viruses and other harmful content. Take the following precautions:
Be cautious when opening messages. They may contain malicious software or otherwise be harmful to your device or
Be cautious when accepting connectivity requests, browsing the internet, or downloading content. Do not accept Bluetooth
connections from sources you do not trust.
Only install and use services and software from sources that you trust and that offer adequate security and protection.
Install antivirus and other security software on your device and any connected computer. Only use one antivirus app at a
time. Using more may affect performance and operation of the device and/or computer.
If you access preinstalled bookmarks and links to third party internet sites, take the appropriate precautions. Nokia does
not endorse or assume liability for such sites.
Operating environment
This device meets radio frequency exposure guidelines in the normal use position at the ear or at least 1.5 centimeters (5/8
inch) away from the body. Any carry case, belt clip, or holder for body-worn operation should not contain metal and should
position the device the above-stated distance from your body.
The sending of data files or messages requires a quality network connection and may be delayed until such a connection is
available. Follow the separation distance instructions until the sending is completed.
Parts of the device are magnetic. Metallic materials may be attracted to the device. Do not place credit cards or other magnetic
storage media near the device, because information stored on them may be erased.
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