Split timing — to take intermediate times. To start the time observation, select
Start. Select Split every time that you want to take an intermediate time. To stop
the time observation, select Stop.
To save the measured time, select Save.
To start the time observation again, select Options> Start. The new time is
added to the previous time. To reset the time without saving it, select Reset.
Lap timing — to take lap times
Continue — to view the timing that you have set in the background
Show last time — to view the most recently measured time if the stopwatch is not
View times or Delete times — to view or delete the saved times
14. ApplicationsIn this menu you can manage applications and games. These files are
stored in the phone memory or an attached microSD memory card and may be
arranged in folders.
For options to format or lock and unlock the memory card see Memory card p.15.
■Launch a game
Your phone software includes some games.
Select Menu> Applications > Games. Scroll to the desired game, and select
■Launch an application
Your phone software includes some Java applications.
Select Menu> Applications > Collection. Scroll to an application, and select
■Some application options
Update version — to check if a new version of the application is available for
download from Web (network service)