This calculator has limited accuracy and is
designed for simple calculations.
Countdown timer
Normal timer
1 To activate the timer, select Menu >
Organiser > Countd. timer >
Normal timer, enter a time, and
write a note that is displayed when
the time expires. To change the time,
select Change time.
2 To start the timer, select Start.
3 To stop the timer, select Stop timer.
Interval timer
1 To have an interval timer with up to
10 intervals started, first enter the
2 Select Menu > Organiser > Countd.
timer > Interval timer.
3 To start the timer, select Start
timer > Start.
To select how the interval timer should
start the next period, select Menu >
Organiser > Countd. timer >
Settings > Contin. to next period and
from the available options.
You can measure time, take intermediate
times, or take lap times using the
Select Menu > Organiser > Stopwatch
and from the following options:
Split timing — to take intermediate
times. To reset the time without saving it,
select Options > Reset.
Lap timing — to take lap times
Continue — to view the timing that you
have set in the background
Show last — to view the most recently
measured time if the stopwatch is not
View times or Delete times — to vi ew or
delete the saved times
To set the stopwatch timing in the
background, press the end key.
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most benefit from your phone.
Helpful hints
If you have queries about your phone, or
you are unsure how your phone should
function, see the user guide. If this does
not help, try the following:
Reset the phone
Switch off the phone, and remove the
After a few seconds, insert the battery,
and switch on the phone.
Restore the factory settings
See "Restore factory settings", p. 35.
Update your phone software
See "Software updates using your
PC", p. 34.
Get more information
See a Nokia website, or contact Nokia
Care. See "Nokia support", p. 33.
If a query remains unresolved, contact
your local Nokia Care point for repair
options. Before sending your phone for
repair, always back up or make a record of
data in your phone.
Nokia support
Check www.nokia.com/support or your
local Nokia website for the latest version
of this guide, additional information,
Support and updates 33