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Options during a call
Many of the options that you can use during a call are network services. For
availability, contact your network operator or service provider.
You can press Options for some of the following functions during a call:
Volume, Mute or Unmute, Contacts, Menu, Record, and the network services
Answer and Reject, Hold or Unhold, New call, End call, End all calls.
Lock keypad to activate the keypad lock.
Send DTMF to send DTMF (Dual Tone Multi-Frequency) tone strings, for
example, passwords or bank account numbers (network service). The DTMF
system is used by all touch-tone telephones. Enter the DTMF string or search
for it in Contacts and press DTMF. Note that the DTMF string can contain the
wait character w and the pause character p.
Tip: To quickly set the phone to the number entry state during a call
press and hold the middle softkey.
Swap to switch between the active call and the call on hold, and Trans fer to
connect a call on hold to an active call, and disconnect yourself from both calls
(network services).
Conference to call another party and invite them to join the call (network
Private call to have a private conversation with one participant in a conference
call (network service).
Audio enhancing to modify the voice so that it can be heard easily in a noisy