Zip Manager user guide
2Copyright © 2005 Nokia. All rights reserved.
Zip Manager user guide Select Zip Manager Pro.
Note: Refer to the separate user guide of your
Nokia 9300i for instructions on the operation
and maintenance of your Nokia 9300i,
including important safety information.
For information on installing this and other
products available on the Applications for
Nokia 9300i CD-ROM, see the separate
Installation Guide on the CD-ROM.
Welcome to Zip Manager
Zip Manager is a powerful and easy-to-use file
compression program for the Nokia 9300i. Zip Manager
allows you to handle zip files in a convenient way. It offers
a graphical interface to add, extract, and open files, as
well as to perform other commands. If you are new to zip
files, the wizards will guide you.
Zip Manager supports the following zip file formats:
WinZip up to version 8.1, InfoZip up to version 2.2, and
PkZip up to version 6.0.
Zip archives
Zip archives are files that contain other files. The files in a
zip archive are compressed to reduce their file size. Zip
archives have the file extension ZIP. Archives make it easy
to group files, which can make transferring and copying
many times faster.
In Zip Manager, add means to compress files and add them
to an archive. Extract means to decompress files in an
archive, creating separate files on a disk. Sometimes the
terms zip or pack are used instead of add, and unzip or
unpack instead of extract.
Zip archives are typically used in the following cases:
• Many files available on the Internet and with electronic
services are distributed as zip archives. This way only
one file transfer operation (download) is required to
obtain all related files, and file transfer time is reduced
because the compressed files in an archive are smaller
in size.
• You may need to send a group of related files. Rather
than distributing individual files, it is often easier to
distribute the files as an archive to benefit from the file
grouping and compression.
• Some important files may not be used often. To save
disk space, you can compress these files into an archive
when they are not used, and decompress (extract) them
only when needed.