Zip Manager user guide
Copyright © 2005 Nokia. All rights reserved.
Using zip wizardsIf you are new to zip archives, the following wizards will
guide you step-by-step through the most common tasks:
•The Extract Files wizard extracts files from zip
•The Archive Files wizard creates zip archives.
•The Zip & Mail wizard creates zip archives and sends
them by e-mail.
•The Easy Install wizard installs software distributed in
zip archives.
•The Zip & Backup wizard backs up folders to zip
•The Applications wizard manages third-party
applications installed on your device.
Extract Files wizard
To extract files from a zip archive, do the following:
1Select Extract Files.
2Select the zip archive, and press OK.
3Browse to the location where you want to extract the
files of the archive, and press OK.
Zip Manager extracts all the files from the archive.
Archive Files wizard
To compress files to a zip archive, do the following:
1Select Archive Files.
2Type a name for the new zip archive, and press OK.
Press Browse to choose where to save the archive.
3Select the files to add to the zip archive, and press OK.
Zip Manager creates a new zip archive, compresses the
selected files, and adds them to the archive.
Zip & Mail wizard
To compress files to a zip archive and send it by e-mail, do
the following:
1Select Zip & Mail.
2Type a name for the new zip archive, and press OK.
Press Browse to choose where to save the archive.
3Select the files to add to the zip archive, and press OK.
Zip Manager creates a new archive, compresses the
selected files, adds them to the archive, and creates an
e-mail message with the zip archive as an attachment.
Note: You must have an e-mail account and
the appropriate settings correctly defined on
your device to be able to send e-mail. Refer to
the user guide of your device for more