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•Text wrapping - Choose Off if you don’t want the text in a paragraph to
automatically wrap, or On if you d o. If text is no t wrapped, the ends of lines
may be truncated.
•Font size - You can choose five text sizes in the browser: Smallest, Small,
Normal, Large, and Largest.
•Default encoding - To make sure your browser pages display text characters
correctly, select one of the following: West. Europ. (ISO ) for Western European
languages, Unicode (UTF-8), ISO8859-2 for Central European languages,
ISO8859-4 for Baltic languages, ISO8859-5 for Cyrillic based languages,
ISO8859-7 for Greek language, ISO8859-9 for Turkish language, Hebr. (ISO-
Visual) for Hebrew language, and Arabic (ISO) for Arabic language.
•Cookies - Allow /Reject. You can enable or disable the receiving and sending of
cookies (a means of content providers to identify users and their preferences
for frequently used content).
•Conf. DTMF sending - Always / First time only. Choose whether you want to
confirm before the phone sends DTMF tones during a voice call. See ‘Options
during a call’, p.31.For example, you can make a voice call while you are
viewing a browser page, send DTMF tones while a voice call is in progress, and
save in Contacts a name and phone number from a browser page.
•Wallet - Choose On if want the wallet to open automatically when a
compatible browser page is opened.