text from the Bilingual dictionary and show a candidate
list in the display. The most matched entry will be
highlighted and located at the top of the candidate list.
1. Scroll up or down to highlight your needed entry,
when you are moving the highlight bar, the text in the
input window stays unchanged.
2. You could use the below methods to select entry:
Press the scroll key.
Select Select word from the option menu.
Your selected entry will be automatically shown in the
input window (if this entry is different from your input
Chinese characters or English words), and its translation
will be shown on the screen to replace the previous
candidate entry list. Meanwhile, the cursor will locate in
the translation window.
Sometimes, the screen cannot display the whole
translation content. Press the up or down scroll key to
view the whole content.

Return to the state of looking up in


If you want to continue to look up the translation of other
Chinese characters or English words in dictionary, please
implement any of the following options:
Enter the Chinese characters or English words you want
to look up.
First press the clear key to empty the contents in the
input window, and then enter the Chinese characters
or English words you want to look up.
Press Back. The dictionary will return to the state of
showing candidates entry list, but the entry in the
inputting window is still highlighted. You could
directly input text or move the cursor by scrolling left
or right to edit the text in the input window.
Applications folder


Press , and select Applications > Calculator.
Note: This calculator has limited accuracy and is
designed for simple calculations.
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