My own
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Add and remove group members

To add members to a group, select IM groups, scroll to an
IM group, and select Options> Group > Settings > Group
members> Selected only or All.
To remove a member from the IM group, scroll to the
member, and select Options> Remove. To remove all
members, select Options> Remove all.

IM server settings

Select Options> Settings > Server settings. You may
receive the settings in a special text message from the
network operator or service provider that offers the chat
service. You obtain the user ID and password from your
service provider when you register to the service. If you do
not know your user ID or password, contact your service
Servers—View a list of all defined IM servers.
Default server—Change the IM server to which you want
to connect.
IM login type—To log in automatically when you start IM,
select On app. start-up.
To add a new server to your list of IM servers, select
Servers> Options > New server. Enter the following
Server name—the name for the IM server
Access point in use—the access point you want to use for
the server
Web address—the URL address of the IM server
User ID—your user ID
Password—your login password
Push to talk (network service)
Push to talk (PTT) is a real-time voice over IP service
implemented over a GSM/GPRS network. Push to talk
provides direct voice communication connected with the
push o f a key . Us e pu sh to t alk to h av e a c onv ers at ion wit h
one person or with a group of people.
Before you can use push to talk, you must define the
push-to-talk access point and push-to-talk settings. You
may receive the settings in a special text message from
the service provider that offers the push-to-talk service.
Press , and select My Own>Push to talk .
In push-to-talk communication, one person talks while
the others listen through the built-in loudspeaker.
Speakers take turns responding to each other. Because
only one group member can talk at any time, the