My own
68 Copyright © 2006 Nokia. All rights reserved.
Belongs to groups—To see which groups the IM contact
has joined.
Reload users' availab.—To update information about
whether the contact is online or offline. The online status
is shown by an indicator next to the contact name. This
option is not available if you have set the Availabil.
reloading to Automatic in IM settings.
Manage IM groupsSelect IM groups view to see a list of the IM gro ups that
you have either saved or are currently joined to.
Scroll to a group, select Options> Group and one of the
Save—To save an unsaved group that you are currently
joined to.
View participants—To see who is currently joined to the
Details—To see the group ID, topic, participants,
administrators of the group (shown only if you have the
editing rights), the list of blocked participants (shown only
if you have the editing rights), and whether private
conversations are allowed in the group.
Settings—To view and edit the IM group settings. See
‘Create a new IM group’, p 68.
Create a new IM group
Select IM groups> Options > Create new group. Enter
the settings for the group.
You can edit the settings for an IM group if you have
administrator rights to the group. The user who creates a
group is automatically given administrator rights to it.
Group name, Group topic, and Welcome note—To add
details that the participants see when they join the group.
Group size—To define the maximum number of members
allowed to join the group.
Allow search—To define if others can find the IM group by
Editing rights—To define the IM group participants to
whom you want to give rights to invite contacts to join the
IM group and edit the group settings.
Group members—See ‘Add and remove group members’, p.
Banned list—Enter the participants that are not allowed to
join the IM group.
Allow private msgs.—To allow messaging between
selected participants only.
Group ID—The group ID is created automatically and
cannot be changed.