Meridian Communications Adapter
ATQn - Result Code (n= 0, 1; if n= 0 then results are
ATVN - Verbal Result (n= 0, 1; if n= 0 then numeric
codes are sent
ATXn - Result Code Selection (n= 0, 1; i f n=1 then
extended results)
ATSn ? - Read S-register (n= number of S-registe r to
ATSn =x - Write S-register (n= S-register number, x= new
ATZ - Soft Reset (reset to def ault parameters)
ATCn - Carrier Detect (n= 0, 1; if n= 1 then carrier
detect is enabled)
ATEn - Echo (n= 0, 1; if n= 1 then commands will
echo back to the terminal)
ATTS P! - Transparent Mode
AT&C n - Carrier Detect control (n= 0, 1; if n= 1 then
Carrier Detect is asserted)
AT&D n - DTR response (n= 0 - 3; when DTR status
changes: if n= 0 then ignore;
if n= 1 then go off line; if n= 2 then release the
call; if n= 3 then release the call and ret urn
Hayes parameters to default)
AT&R n - Clear-to-send (n= 0, 1; if n= 1 then CTS is
always present)