Communication Server 1000M and Meridian 1: Small System Planning and Engineering
SSC card
For IP expansion, you must install an SSC card, containing IP Expansion daughterboards, in slot 0 of the Main. You must also install an SSC card, containing one IP Expansion daughterboard, in slot 0 of the Expansion.
For CS 1000 Release 4.5 software, the minimum requirements are:
•32 Mbyte DRAM
•16 Mbyte primary flash
•32 Mbyte program store
Note: An NTDK20 SSC card with 32 Mbyte DRAM and equipped with an NTTK13 or NTTK25 Software daughterboard meets the minimum requirements.
New systems are shipped with the NTDK20HA SSC card equipped with the NTTK25BA Software daughterboard.
Existing Cabinet or Chassis systems equipped with earlier vintages of the SSC card must:
•upgrade the SSC card using the NTDK19 SSC upgrade kit
•if necessary, upgrade to the NTTK25 Software daughterboard
Existing Chassis systems equipped with the NTDK97 Mini System Controller (MSC) card must replace the MSC card with a suitable SSC card.
Note: The MSC card supports certain limited configurations.
Fiber Expansion and IP Expansion daughterboards
The SSC card supports both Fiber Expansion daughterboards and IP Expansion daughterboards. You must install Fiber Expansion or IP Expansion daughterboards on the SSC card. The supported daughterboard configurations supported are as follows:
Nortel Communication Server 1000
Communication Server 1000M and Meridian 1 Small System Overview
Release 5.0 30 May 2007
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