About the IP Audio Conference Phone 2033
Telephone displayThe IP Audio Conference Phone 2033 has two display areas:
• The upper display area contains single-line information for items
such as the caller number, caller name, feature prompt strings,
user-entered digits, date and time information, and set information.
• The lower display area provides soft key label information. Refer to
“Soft keys” on page 19 for further information.
Figure 3 shows the LCD screen.
Figure 3: IP Audio Conference Phone 2033 LCD screen
Cleaning the display screen
Gently wipe the screen with a soft, dry cloth.
Soft keys
The IP Audio Conference Phone 2033 has three soft keys. A maximum of
10 functions can be assigned to these soft keys. Your system
administrator assigns functions to the soft keys in layers.
Use the Shift (>>) key to navigate the layers of soft keys. If there are only
three functions assigned to the soft keys, the Shift (>>) key does not
appear and all three functions are displayed.
Figure 4 shows the soft keys on the display area.
Do not use any liquids or powders on the
phone. Using anything other than a soft, dry
cloth can contaminate telephone components
and cause premature failure.