• Toss with grated Parmesan Cheese
• The MINI RETRO POPCORN MAKER™ makes batches of popcorn - fast an d easy
- for holiday popcorn and caramel balls !
HANDY TIP: Put freshly popped popcorn in a clean brown paper b ag, add your melted
margarine and seasonings, shake and enjoy. Works with vegetable spray also.
Coat fresh popped popcorn with margarine or spray with vegetable s pray. Toss with 1/4
cup of sugar and 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon. Fresh and fast Kettle C orn is yours in minutes!
4Popcorn is a healthy snack - it is the butter you add to it that can hurt . To lighten up your
calorie count, douse your popcorn with herbs, garlic, and just a littl e margarine.
Garlic Herb Sprinkle (See page 5)
Fresh Popped Popcorn
1 tablespoon margarine, melted
Prepare Garlic-Herb Sprinkle and set aside. Pop corn in MINI RETRO POPC ORN
MAKER™. Pour into a bowl, add margarine and stir well. Toss with herb mixture.
Makes 3 quarts.
Garlic-Herb Sprinkle
Mix 2 teaspoons each of dry oregano leaves, dry basil leaves and dry thyme leaves.
Add 1 teaspoon each of garlic powder and onion powder. Stir well.
8 cups of popped popcorn
1 package of (14 oz) unwrapped caramels
2 tablespoo ns of water
2 tablespoo ns of butter or margarine
Put the popcorn in a large bowl. In a separate microwave safe glass bowl, microwave the
caramels, water and butter on HIGH 2 to 2-1/2 minutes. Wait until the car amels are fully
melted, stirring frequently. Pour the caramel mixture over the popcor n and toss to coat well.
Let cool for 5 minutes.
10 cups popped popcorn
1/3 cup butter or margarine
2/3 cup packed brown sugar
1/3 light corn syrup
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
In a 4-quart microwave safe bowl, microwave the butter on HIGH unti l melted. Stir in the
brown sugar and the corn syrup. Microwave on HIGH until the mixtur e boils for 1 to 2
minutes. Do not stir the mixture while it is heating. Remove from the microwave –
remember to use mitts as the mixture is HOT! Stir in the baking soda and the vanilla. Stir
in the popcorn and mix well. Microwave the whole mixture on MEDIU M HIGH 1 minute, and
stir. Microwave on MEDIUM HIGH for another minute and stir until the popc orn is well
coated. Spread on a cookie sheet and let cool completely. Break apart an d store in a
tightly covered container OR - while still warm (but safe to handle), gr ease your hands and
form into balls.
NOTE: You can also add peanuts, candy coated chocolates, chow m ein noodles, raisins,
candy corn, pretzel sticks, gummy pieces, peanut butter candy piece s or make up your own