NVIDIA Corporation
Quadro FX 4500/5500 SDI User’s Guide – Version 2.0 63
API Control
Device Configuration Structuretypedef struct tagNVGVOCONFIG
WORD cbSize; // Caller sets to sizeof(NVGVOCONFIG)
DWORD dwFields; // Caller sets to NVGVOCONFIG_* mask for
fields to use
NVGVOSIGNALFORMAT signalFormat; // Signal format for video output
NVGVODATAFORMAT dataFormat; // Data format for video output
NVGVOOUTPUTREGION outputRegion; // Region for video output (Desktop
NVGVOOUTPUTAREA outputArea; // Usable resolution for video output
(safe area)
struct // Color conversion:
// Output[n] = Input[0] * colorMatrix[n][0] +
// Input[1] * colorMatrix[n][1] + Input[2] *
// colorMatrix[n][2] + OutputRange * colorOffset[n]
// Where OutputRange is the standard magnitude of
// Output[n][n] and colorMatrix and colorOffset values are
// within the range -1.0 to +1.0
{ //
NVFLOAT colorMatrix[3][3];
NVFLOAT colorOffset[3]; //
NVFLOAT colorScale[3]; //
BOOL bCompositeSafe; // bCompositeSafe constrains luminance
range when using composite output
} colorConversion; //
union // Gamma correction:
{ // cbSize field in gammaRamp describes type
NVGAMMARAMP8 gammaRamp8; // Gamma ramp (8-bit index, 16-bit values)
NVGAMMARAMP10 gammaRamp10; // Gamma ramp (10-bit index, 16-bit values)
} gammaCorrection;
BOOL syncEnable; // Sync enable (TRUE to use syncSource)
NVGVOSYNCSOURCE syncSource; // Sync source
NVGVOSYNCDELAY syncDelay; // Sync delay