NVIDIA Corporation 19
Setting Up Your RAID Configuration
Understanding the Define a New Array WindowUse the Define a New Array window to
• Select the RAID Mode
• Set up the Striping Block
• Specify which disks to use for the RAID Array
The SATA ports are called channels and they are associated with adapters. The first
digit in the Location field defines the adapter that the port is associated with. The 2nd
digit defines the channel. (The ʺMʺ field,which used to specify Master or Slave, is
Figure 2.9
Loc Column Information
In Figure 2.9, 1.0. means the hard drive is attached to Adapter 1, Channel 0.
The location, disk model and capacity fields should allow you to identify disks. It may be
useful to try attaching a SATA hard drive to the ports provided with your platform and
determine which location IDs are associated with SATA ports on your motherboard.
Using the Define a New Array ScreenIf necessary, press the tab key to move from field to field until the appropriate field is
• Selecting the RAID Mode
By default, this is set to Mirroring. To change to a different RAID mode, press the down
arrow key until the mode that you want appears in the RAID Mode box—either
Mirroring, Striping, Spanning, Stripe Mirroring or RAID 5.
Note: Not all RAID levels are supported on all platforms.
• Selecting the Striping Block Size
Striping block size is given in kilobytes, and affects how data is arranged on the disk. It
is recommended to leave this value at the default Optimal, which is 64KB, but the
values can be between 4 KB and 128 KB (4, 8, 16, 32, 64, and 128 KB)