UM10323_1 © NXP B.V. 2008. All rights reserved.
User manual Rev. 01 — 15 December 2008 6 of 9
NXP Semiconductors UM10323
PCA9600 demonstration board OM6293
6. Using the OM6293 with the I2C 2005-1 demo boardThe board can be easily configured to demonstrate two common applications:
•Generating an Fm+ compatible drive signal for other application boards, and
•Driving long Cat5e communication cables in ‘4-signal’ mode using two daughter
6.1 Generating an Fm+ compatible drive signal
A single daughter board is fitted to the 9-pin expansion header of the I2C2005-1
evaluation board and can be powered from the switched 5V supply on that board.
The I2C 2005-1 evaluation board’s 9-pin header signals are duplicated on the daughter
board’s 9-pin header CON4 to allow further expansion or connection of other daughter
The P82B96/PCA9600 generates Fm+ signals on the 8P8C modular (RJ45) jack CON1
that are compatible with, for example, the PCA9633 LED Demo Board Fm+ signals. To
select this option, it is necessary to close switches 1 and 2 on the DIP switch S1 and to
open switches 3 and 4. (The RJ45 jack CON2 should not be used.)
The 5 V power selection jumper should be fitted between pins 2 and 3 on header J1.
The input signals from the I2C 2005-1 evaluation board and the corresponding Fm+
signals as delivered to the RJ45 jack CON1 are available for probing on the 8-pin header
For further details on this setup, refer to the Application Note AN10658, section 3.1.
6.2 Driving long Cat5e cables in 4-signal mode
One board is fitted to the 9-pin expansion header of the I2C2005-1 evaluation board and
can be powered from the switched 5 V supply of that board by fitting the jumper between
pins 2 and 3 on header J1.
The board is configured for driving long Cat5e cables by opening switches 1 and 2 on the
DIP switch S1 and closing the switches 3 and 4. The cable to be driven, fitted with
standard 8P8C modular connectors (RJ45), is fitted into the RJ45 jack CON1.The other
end of the cable is fitted into the RJ45 jack CON2 of a second or ‘remote’
P82B96/PCA9600 daughter board. This ‘remote’ board will derive its 5 V supply from the
first board, via the cable and CON2. Use of CON2, with its different wiring configuration,
provides the necessary crossover linking from Tx on one board to Rx on the other.
BZX84C15 D2 SOT23 user installed SMD Zener diode
2.54 mm 3 way header J1 3 way 2.54 mm PIN STRIP supply selector header
PCA9600 IC1 SO8 dual bidirectional bus buffer
OMRON A6T-4104 S1 DIP8 DIP switch
Table 1. Bill of materials …continued
Part type Designator Footprint Description