UM10317_1 © NXP B.V. 2008. All rights reserved.
User manual Rev. 01 — 15 December 2008 6 of 11
NXP Semiconductors UM10317
PCA9633 demonstration board OM6282
7. OM6282 demonstration board main componentsThe PCA9633 functions are controlled by WIN-I2CUSB Lite GUI. Refer to the PCA9633
data sheet for additional information on the registers and functionality.
8.1 Color mixing and dimming LEDs
1. Connect the hardware as described in Section 4. The PCA9633 address is set to
2. Start the GUI software.
3. The main s creen will appear.
4. From the ‘Device’ drop-down menus select ‘LED Blinkers and Dimmers’, and from the
subsequent drop-down menu select ‘PCA9633 4-bit LED driver’ as in Figure 3.
5. The dev ice configuration screen will be displayed as in Figure 4.
6. Un-c heck the ‘Sleep Enabled (oscillator off)’ box to enable the device, check the
‘Auto Write’ box (lower right), and click the ‘Write All’ button.
7. Go to the LED Driver Outputs pull-down tabs and for LED0 to LED3 select ‘LEDn
controlled by PWMn and GRPPWM’.
8. With t he cursor, move the PWMn bars to change the colors on the OM6282 board.
PWM0 controls the red LED.
PWM1 controls the green LED.
PWM2 controls the blue LED.
PWM3 controls the amber LED.
9. Once y ou set a color with the PWM values, move the GRPPWM cursor and observe
the dimming effect (Figure 5).
Table 1. OM6282 demo board main components
Device Description Address Location
PCA9633PW 4-bit Fm+ I2C-bus LED driver 0xC4 for I2C 2005-1 interface IC1