B4100: Personal printing for professionals
Mono printing is the engine room of a smooth running business, the unsung hero powering through the workload.
More uptime and less downtime are simple prerequisites.
processing speed are of little use if you’re constantly refilling a paper tray with limited capacity. Maximising office productivity is about striking a balance of all key performance benefits. Ensuring each works in unison.
Historically, a buyer choosing a printer has had to select between individual benefits such as highest quality print, greatest memory, fastest first page to print or most pages per minute.
However, these days business demands a more holistic approach. Business demands that we excel in all areas because they all impact together on the productivity of a business.
way of
thinking in mono printing
Equally important, our printers are built to cope with the
As business print specialists, Oki understands this and ensures our printers work the way good businesses work.
Oki mono printers are built to perform with all
For example, a printer delivering more pages per minute is not truly efficient if you have to wait for a slow processor, or have to stop because its small memory keeps on becoming full. Likewise, greater memory and faster
These examples of our business insight and innovation make your decision to buy Oki an inspired one.
With the B4000 Series printers Oki continues to lead the field in delivering high speed, professional office printing in extremely compact and powerful machines. They are ideal wherever the priorities are fast output, quality printing, quality printing, value for money and high office productivity.
There are three models in the B4000 Series: the B4100 for the individual business user and the B4250 and B4350 ideal for individuals or