C5500n User’s Guide
Installing the Utilities • 227

OS 9.x

Utilities on the CD
1. Insert the CD supplied with your printer into the CD-ROM
2. Double-click the CD icon that appears on the desktop.
3. Open the MAC folder.
4. Click PSDRV English. Double click the Mac Installer
5. Click Continue. Accept the Software License Agreement.
6. Select Custom Install to access the Utility Installation.
7. Click the boxes beside the Utilities you wish to install.
Click Install.
The Utilities install into the folder you specify during the
installation process.
Download Utilities
Download the utilities from the internet, accessed through
the Menu Installer on the CD.

OS 10.1, 10.2, and 10.3

Utilities on the CD
The utilities on the CD are not available for Mac OS X and will
only run on Mac 9.x or Classic OS.
Once the Print Job Accounting utility has been set up by your
Network Administrator, it is transparent to the operation of the
printer driver on your OS X system.
Download Utilities
Download the utilities from the internet, accessed through
the Menu Installer on the CD.