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Section 6 - Chapter 2 - The OkiLAN 6020e Utility
OKI OkiLAN 6020e User’s Guide
Renaming the OkiLAN 6020e PrinterThe OkiLAN 6020e Printer Selection window contains
a list of all OkiLAN 6020e printers found in the
selected zones. OkiLAN 6020e printers are listed
alphabetically by name. Each port of a multiport
OkiLAN 6020e will appear separately in the list.
Unless otherwise stated, changing a configuration
option will affect only the selected port.
1. Choose the OkiLAN 6020e printer you wish to
2. Select Name from the Configure pull-down menu.
3. Enter a name for the OkiLAN 6020e. If you choose
a name that is already being used, the OkiLAN
6020e will append a number to the end of the name.
Names can be a maximum of 32 characters long.
4. Click Rename. You will then be returned to the
Printer Selection window.
Note: The options listed on the following pages can
all be accessed from the Printer Selection
Selecting a Zone1. Choose the OkiLAN 6020e printer you wish to
2. Select Zone from the Configure pull-down menu.
3. Choose the zone in which you want the printer to
Note: If no Phase 2 router was found, this option will
be unavailable.
4. Click OK.