
Note: Use of the CompactFlash with OkiWebRemote requires a web browser such as Microsoft Internet Explorer® version 5.5 and higher, or Netscape® version 6.2 and higher.

The OkiWebRemote web page is built into your printer. Use it for

downloading fonts and forms (macros/overlays) to the CompactFlash

deleting fonts and forms (macros/overlays) from the CompactFlash

changing printer settings

resetting the printer, etc.

Accessing OkiWebRemote

1.Open your web browser.

2.Under Address, type in the printer’s IP address (e.g., http://, then press Enter.

OkiWebRemote opens with the Status tab displayed.

Note: You will need the Mac address to log in. If you do not already have it, click [Network Summary] in the left column and record the last six digits, minus the colons.

21Downloading Fonts and Forms