B930n User’s Guide> 65



The printer’s PDF Direct feature allows you to send a Version 1.3 PDF
file directly to the printer without the use of Adobe Acrobat on the
host computer. You can send a PDF file directly to the printer for
printing without using the printer driver. As the print data is sent
directly to the printer, the printing process is simpler than printing
with the printer driver.


The Overlay window allows you to create, delete, and edit behavior
of overlays. An overlay is a portion of a document that is added to
each page of a print job such as a letterhead or standard form.
(there are no pre-defined overlays). You must create overlays using
your application of choice. Then the application you have created
may be included on future print jobs. You are not allowed to set
create overlay as the default. You are only allowed to set create
overlay from within an application.
Overlay Function provides options to print overlays. No Overlay
mode does not create an overlay, and an overlay will not be printed.
Create New Overlay will create an overlay when the print job is sent.
Each time, you are prompted for the overlay name.
Another set of options available allows you to define when an overlay
should be printed, either All Pages, First Page Only, or All But First
Front indicates that the overlay is printed in front of the print job
data. Placing the overlay in front of the print data may make
portions of the print job unreadable. The default is Front. Back
indicates that the overlay is printed behind print job data. The
Remove button deletes the selected overlay from the list.
Enable this feature is using your Printer Properties.
To create an overlay:
1. Access your printer’s properties from your application.
2. Select the Layout tab within your Printer Properties.
3. Click Overlay.
The Overlay Window appears.
4. Select Create New Overlay as the Overlay Function