C5100 Utility Programs • 158
Additional Information
For more information:
•See your on-line OkiLAN® 8100 User’s Guide (on the Drivers CD
supplied with your printer
•Click on Help in the PrintSuperVision program.
NETWORK PRINTER STATUS UTILITYThis utility creates an additional tab (STATUS) in the printer driver
that allows the client to monitor the selected printer’s status.
installing The Network Printer Status Utility Manually
If you are using Windows Plug-and-Play Add Printer Wizard to install
the driver, here is how to install the Network Printer Status Utility:
1. Place the driver CD supplied with your printer in your CD-ROM
drive and wait for the Menu Installer to open.
(If the CD does not AutoPlay, click Start → Run → Browse.
Browse to your CD-ROM and double-click Install.exe, then click
2. Click Next to accept the terms in the license agreement.
3. Click Network Software → Administration Tools → Network
Printer Status and follow the on-screen instructions.
To Open The Network Printer Status Utility
1. Click Start → Settings → Printers. Right-click the Printer icon,
click Properties.
2. Click on the STATUS tab.