Centering position 78, 92 Heat 130
New printhead 92 Part Number 109
Double width and height 80 Embedded Commands 91 Italics 80
Parallel port doesn't work 94 Problems
Strange symbols print 91 Streaked printing 92
Stopping 75, 80, 96 Product
Registering your printer 41 Productivity. See Money,
Saving; Time, Saving Proof of Purchase 105
characters per inch (cpi) 65 Front Panel Light 18
Proportional Spacing 65, 73, 80 Proprinter III Commands 114 Publisher (Language Set) 73 Pull Tractor 14, 58, 99, 108
Radio Interference Statement 132, 133 Rear Feed 97, 98, 99
Continuous Forms 16, 29 Form
Jams, Repetitive 85 Line Spacing 74 Paper Jam 83
Skip Over Perforation 74 Receive Buffer size 75, 80, 96 Registration, Print 75, 79 Registration, Product (Warranty) 41 Regulatory Information
Canada 133
Europe 134 United States 132
Reliability 14, 96 Replacement Parts 107, 108
144 Microline 320/321 Turbo/n