Making Pasta 1
Open drum cap.
Replace juicing strainer with
mincing strainer.
Turn drum cap counter-clock-
wise until it clips firmly into
Set the Nozzle at Notch II.
Sprinkle a small amount of
wheat flour on the holding
dish, placed under the spout.
Press ON button.
Push pasta dough through the
food guide without stopping.
Use scissors to cut the pasta
to desired lengths. Cook
according to recipe used.
DO NOT place any metal objects
into the hopper. If the drum set is
plugged or the machine stops
operating, press the reverse button
2 to 3 times and press the on
button again to resume normal
Switch the juicer OFF before
changing accessories or touching
any moving parts. Remove the
drum set from the main body by
turning the locking clip counter-
clock wise. Pull the screw forward
to disassemble it from the drum
set. After each juicing wash all
parts in warm soapy water. Do
NOT place any of the juicer acces-
sories in the dishwasher.
Wash the Omega Nutrition Center’s screw and parts in warm, soapy
water in your kitchen sink and rinse well.
Do Not Place Parts Or Accessories In Your Dishwasher.
Do not immerse unit in water.Clean with a damp cloth.
Cleaning instructions Disassemble unit and rinse all parts and accessories first in cold water.
Then wash in warm soapy water in your sink — NOT in your dishwasher.
Do NOT run juicer for more than 30 minutes continuously at any one time.
Material Strainer Nozzle
Apples, oranges, pears Juicing Strainer Nozzle, Notch 1
grapes, strawberries,
kiwi fruit, tomatoes,
avocadoes, aloe plant
Pine tree leaves, kale, Juicing Strainer Nozzle, Notch 2
radishes, beet tops, (fruit)
spinach, carrots, yams
wheat grass
Red/green pepper, Mincing Strainer Bread Stick Nozzle
garlic, ginger, herbs,
soaked rice and beans,
fresh fish and meat
Choosing the Right Strainer and Nozzle Nutrition Center
Nutrition Center