DP3300 Series User’s Manual
RESETTING COUNT: The COUNT shown for each channel can be reset to zero or preset for a count down (depending on counter mode) at any time. To
reset the count manually, first select a channel by pushing CH SEL key and ,while keeping the CH SEL key pushed, push the
RESET key simultaneously. The display will read 'RESET' and then the reset value of zero will be displayed. If the counter is
set for count down mode, then the display will preset to the value that was programmed during SETUP.
Relay delay period in counter modes 2 and 5 is programmable from 1 to 9999999 seconds (look under SETUP). Delay period is
the time for which the output stays in its current state on reaching zeroor preset. Following the end of delay period, the output is
either reset or preset (depending on the counter type seleted).
DP3300 series keeps track of total in counter, RPM and rate mode and can be displayed by pushing the DATA key.
In rate mode, if the displayed rate is 500 units per minute, then over a period of half an hour the total would be 15000 (500 x 30 =
15000). Similarly in RPM mode the TOTAL is the accumulated revolutions over the time period the unit has been working.
In counter mode, the unit indicates the total count. This is irrespective of preset value i.e. if the preset is 5000 and the counter is in
count - up mode, then after the unit has gone through ten preset cycles, the display will indicate a total o f 5 0 ,000 (5000 x 10 =
50,000). If in count down mode, the total represents the accumulated down counts.
DP3300 series also offers batching capability in counter mode. One batch constitutes of counting up or down (to preset or zero,
respectively) to or from the preprogrammed PRESET value e.g. if PRESET is set to 5000 (and the channel is in counter mode 3)
then each time the count goes up to 5000, it will reset to zero and start counting up again. This will constitute one batch.
To view the number of batches processed, first select a channel (by pushing CH SEL key) and then successively push DATA key
till BATCH shows on the display. To reset batch count, bring up the batch count on the display and while still holding in the
DATA key, simultaneously push the RESET key. The display will show 'RESET' followed by reseting of batch count.
Scaling is used for multiplying or dividing incoming pulses by a number. It is achieved by programming Scaler value or division
factor during SETUP. This feature is useful if each revolution of a shaft produces more then one pulse, e.g. if a shaft gives 100
pulses per revolution then programming the division factor equal to 100 will give the actual RPM of the shaft. This can also be
used in cases where a count is required on boxes with each box containing a certain number of parts, e.g. if it is required to obtain
the count on cartons containing soft-drink bottles with each carton containing 50 bottles, the scaler will be set to 50. Similarly
scaling can be used to measure length or flow of liquid s.
Scaler can be programmed from 0.00000 to 99.99999, in increments of 0.00001. Scaler is a number with which the input count is
multiplied. For Example, a flow meter that puts out one pulse every 0.00024 gallons, would require a scaler of 0.00024. On a
pulse count of 10000 (and decimal point programmed in 10th position), the display will read 2.4 (10000 x 0.00024 = 2.4). Scaler
is disabled if its value is set to 0.00000.
The difference between division factor and scaler is that division factor is in whole number where as scaler can be programmed in
increments of 10,000th of a unit. Also, the maximum scaler value that can be entered is 99.99999. However, SCALER should be
limited so that the display would not go into over range condition. For Example, if the SCALER is set to 65.12345 and the pulse
count goes to 1000000, the overall number becomes 65,123,450. This number is beyond the display capability of the unit).
The system keeps track of the process run time in Hours, minutes and seconds. To display the elapsed time since the system was
turned on or the time was last reset, push the TIME key. The display will first read "ELPSD T" ( for elapsed time) followed by