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This version of the MAH 200 features a Bluetooth® wireless radio. The radio allows for point to
point wireless communication with other Bluetooth devices that support serial port protocol (SPP).
The following guide will give you general instructions on connecting your MAH 200 to a desktop
or laptop computer with a Bluetooth radio.
Connecting With A Quick Connect Code
The easiest way to connect to a Bluetooth device is to visit Code’s web site and create a Quick
Connect Code that is specific to your device (figure 2.9). This code will link your MAH 200
directly to the desired Bluetooth device. To create a Quick Connect Code, you will need to know
the Bluetooth address (often referred to as the BD_ADDR) of that device. You can usually find
the 12-character Bluetooth address somewhere on the device near the device’s serial number (see
figure 2.10).
If you purchased a CodeXML Bluetooth Modem or a Belkin® Bluetooth adapter from Omnitron
from an authorized distributor, a Quick Connect Code is included. The CodeXML Bluetooth
modem is a simple hardware solution for customers who wish to enjoy the benefits of cordless
data collection without modifying existing applications or installing software. Please contact the
Omnitron Support Team for more information.
Note: While installing the Bluetooth Configuration Manager software that came with the adapter,
make sure to take note of the Virtual COM Port the software has assigned for the adapter (e.g.
COM 10). This is the COM Port your MAH 200 will connect through.
Scan the RF One Way - Max Range code below then the Quick Connect Code and your MAH
200 will automatically connect. You should also scan the Save Settings code if you want to save
these settings (Note: If the MAH 200 unit powers off without scanning the Save Settings code,
you will lose your settings).
RF One Way Mode (Max Range) Quick Connect Save Settings