RECORDINGYou can record as you sing along with
a tape or another audio source. You
can also record only the external au-
dio source, or dub from one cassette
tape to another.
• Tape quality greatly affects the
quality of the recording. We rec-
ommend RadioShack Supertape
Extended Range or Low-Noise
Type 1 tape. We do not recom-
mend long-play cassette tapes,
such as C-120s, because they are
thin and can easily tangle in the
cassette mechanism. For low-
noise, wide-range recordings, use
normal-bias tape.
• Before recording, be sure the tape
you are using has its erase-
protection tabs in place. See “Pre-
venting Accidental Erasure” on
Page 20.
• Recording automatically stops
when the tape in TAPE 1 reaches
the end. To record on the other
side, turn over the tape.
Follow these steps to record your
voice along with music from a tape in
TAPE 2 or an audio source connected
to the system’s AUX INPUT jacks.
1. Load a blank tape, or one that you
want to record over, into TAPE 1,
with the side you want to record
on facing you, and the full reel to
the left.
2. Follow Steps 1–10 under “Singing
with a Cassette Tape” on Page14
or Steps 1–5 under “Singing with
Another Audio Source” on
Page 15.
3. Press
begin recording. RECORD and
PLAY both lock down.
Note: Press PAUSE on TAPE 1 to
temporarily stop recording. Press
PAUSE again to resume recording.
4. Press STOP/EJECT on TAPE 1 to
stop recording. RECORD and
PLAY release.
5. Press STOP/EJECT on TAPE 2 or
stop the audio source.
32-1159.fm Page 17 Monday, Augus t 9, 19 99 2:3 8 PM