The recommended AC adapter supplies 3 volts
and delivers at least 250 milliamps. Its center tip
is set to negative, and its barrel plug correct ly fits
the SCP-100’s DC 3V jack. Usi ng an adapter that
does not meet these specifications could dam-
age the SCP-100 or the adapter.
Always connect the adapter to the SCP-100’s DC
3V jack before you connect it to the AC outlet.
Then disconnect the adapter from the AC outlet
before disconnecting it from the SCP-100.
Follow these steps to power the SCP-100 from a
standard AC outlet.
1. Set the adapter’s voltage switch to 3V.
2. Insert the adapter’s 3.4 mm outer diameter/1.3
mm inner diameter barrel plug into the adapter’s
cord so it reads –TIP.
3. Pull out the attached rubber plug from the SCP-
100’s DC 3V jack.
14-1248.fm Page 8 Friday, July 2, 1999 12:46 PM