Monitoring the Web Server
2-4 Oracle HTTP Server powered by Apache Performance Guide
Using the mod_status UtilityTo enable monitoring, edit the httpd.conf file to replace
the hostname of the server you want to monitor.
<Location /server-status>
SetHandler server-status
Order deny, allow
Deny from all
Allow from
Ensure that the ExtendedStatus directive is set to On, so that the maximum
amount of information is displayed.
When you allow access from all domains, instead of just
, you
can monitor the server from machines outside of your domain, but be aware of the
security implications of this: your server status is accessible from any site. It is
probably best to specify the domain(s) from which you want to monitor your
With monitoring enabled, you can view current statistics from
http://hostname:port/server-status. These statistics help you to gain
insight on how busy your system is.
The display includes:
■Hostname for which status is displayed
■Server version
■Date server was built
■Current time, restart time, uptime
■Number of requests currently being processed
■Number of httpd processes serving requests
■Number of idle httpd processes
■Current server state (e.g., waiting for connection, reading request, sending
reply, etc.
Figure 2–1 is a screen capture of a server status page with ExtendedStatus
turned on.