Optimizing HTTP Server Performance 4-11
to log IP addresses. You can resolve IP addresses to host names off-line, with the
logresolve utility (found in the $ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/bin/ directory).
For more information, s ee Dale Gaudet’s Apache Performance Notes at:

Error logging

The server notes unusual activity in an error log. The ErrorLog and LogLevel
directives identify the log file and the level of detail of the messages recorded. The
default level is warn. There was no difference in static page performance on a
loaded system between the warn, info, and debug levels.
For more information on the LogLevel directive, see:
The Oracle HTTP server can use HTTP/1.1. Netscape Navigator 4.0 still uses
HTTP/1.0, with some 1.1 features, such as persistent connections. Internet Explorer
uses HTTP/1.1. The performance benefit of persistent connections comes from
reducing the overhead of repeatedly establishing and tearing down connections
(one per request). A persistent connection accepts multiple requests from a user.
For a small static page request, the connection latency can equal or exceed the
response latency (the time to fulfill the request after the connection is established),
so using persistent connections can result in major performance gains.
For more information about performance and the HTTP/1.1 protocol, see:

Persistent Connections

If your users’ browsers support persistent connections (the default behavior of
HTTP/1.1), you can support them on the server using the KeepAlive directives in
Apache. (Some browsers that do not support all HTTP/1.1 features do support
persistent connections; for example, recent versions of Netscape.)