Fig. 3.11:RJ-45F connector
Module connectors
• T-port bus – RJ45/STP
Key to LED colours
Tab.3.12: Key to T-port module LEDs
LINK – ETH link integrityred
Act – network activegreen
A description of connector wiring is in chapter ???.
3.8. Supply ConnectorTerminals of this connector are labelled in the standard manner.Only DC voltage in the range from
10.8 to 15.6 V can be connected. Connecting higher voltage may damage the radio modem.
TerminalPI (power indicator) - if the radio modem is fed from the MS2000 power supply information
about supply method from source clamp MAIN PWR OFF can be lead:
Fig. 3.12: Power connector & information LED
• level TTL1 or unconnected clamp - network
• level TTL0 or grounded clamp - battery supply
Maximal supply cable length is 3 m.
3.9. Information LEDInformation LED diodes next to the supply connector:
• RF Tx — radio modem transmits RF frequency into antenna
• RS SYNC — radio modem received message header which was determined for it
• Three following LED (signal strength):
RSS -85dBm and strongerONONON
RSS -85 až -95dBmONONOFF
RSS -95 až -115dBmONOFFOFF
RSS -115dBmand weakerOFFOFFOFF
• POWER ON — radio modem is correctly supplied
3.10. Service ConnectorTheservice connector RJ-12 serves for short-term connections of the service cable during local adjust-
mentof radio modem parameters. Upon attaching the connector (connecting to the RS232 link (RxD,TxD,
GND)) the radio modem automatically switches to service mode and the module slot 1 disconnects.
Slots numbering see section Section 3.11,“View of Radio Modem”.
19© RACOM s.r.o.– Wideband modems – PROFI MX160