Riding side by side
You and a companion may ride side by side on the road, but only if
you don’t impede other traffic. If traffic doesn’t have enough room to
pass you safely, ride single file.
When you should take a laneIf there is no shoulder or bike lane, and the travel lane is narrow, ride
closer to the center of the lane. This will prevent motorists from
passing you when there isn’t room. You should also take the lane when
you’re traveling at the same speed as traffic. This will keep you out of
motorists’ blind spots and reduce conflicts with right-turning traffic.
Ride in a straight lineThis will make you more visible to motorists. Don’t weave in and out
of parked cars – you may disappear from motorists’ sight and get
squeezed when you need to merge back into traffic.
Don’t weave in and out of parked cars
Occupy more of the travel lane if it is narrow
or if traffic is moving slowly