Uninstalling Software
Following instruction will guide you to uninstall (remove) software from computer.
• Uninstalling Software
1. Click "Start" from the task bar and choose "Settings" -> "Control Panel". (For Windows
XP: "Start" -> "Control Panels")
2. Double click "Add/Remove Programs".
3. Select the program to be uninstalled: "Arcsoft Software Suite".
4. Click on "Remove Program" (For Windows 2000/XP: "Change/Remove") and then "OK".
• Uninstall Camera's Driver
1. Click "Start" from the task bar and choose "Settings" -> "Control Panel". (For Windows
XP: "Start" -> "Control Panels").
2. Double click "Add/Remove Programs".
3. Select the program to be uninstalled "STK017_V2.01".
4. Click on "Remove Program" (For Windows 2000/XP: "Change/Remove") and then "OK".
Downloading Images to You Computer
For Windows 98/ME customers:
Please install camera drive before connecting.
1. Slide the Function switch to ► (Playback Function).
2. Then connect the camera to the computer with the included USB cable.
3. “USB Mass Storage drive” appears on the computer screen.
For Windows XP:
A dialogue box with options appears as shown on the Right side.
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