Uninstalling Software

Following instruction will guide you to uninstall (remove) software from computer.
Uninstalling Software
1. Click "Start" from the task bar and choose "Settings" -> "Control Panel". (For Windows
XP: "Start" -> "Control Panels")
2. Double click "Add/Remove Programs".
3. Select the program to be uninstalled: "Arcsoft Software Suite".
4. Click on "Remove Program" (For Windows 2000/XP: "Change/Remove") and then "OK".
Uninstall Camera's Driver
1. Click "Start" from the task bar and choose "Settings" -> "Control Panel". (For Windows
XP: "Start" -> "Control Panels").
2. Double click "Add/Remove Programs".
3. Select the program to be uninstalled "STK017_V2.01".
4. Click on "Remove Program" (For Windows 2000/XP: "Change/Remove") and then "OK".

Downloading Images to You Computer

For Windows 98/ME customers:
Please install camera drive before connecting.
1. Slide the Function switch to (Playback Function).
2. Then connect the camera to the computer with the included USB cable.
3. “USB Mass Storage drive” appears on the computer screen.
For Windows XP:
A dialogue box with options appears as shown on the Right side.
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