To listen to an alert signal from the radio mute
Press NOAA until the unit enters the radio on position
and adjust the volume level if necessary.
To contact the NWS by telephone:
1. Phone 1-888-NWR-SAME (1-888-697-7263).
2. Follow prompts through a simple voice menu.
Toobtain NWS radio channels and SAME codes on
the internet:
1. Locate www.nws.noaa.gov/nwr/indexnw.htm
2. Click the State for which information is needed.
For example, cl icking on “Montana” will give a list of
information relevant to the State of Montan a including
the names of counties, SAME codes, NWR transmitter
locations, the frequency of the transmitter, the strength
of the signal in WATTS, and any remarks as applicable.
When NWR/Weatheradio Canada air urgent warnings,
a digital code known as Specific Area Message
Encoding (SAME) is included as part of the message.
This coding system contains specific information
including the localized geographical area affected and
the expiration time of the message. The WR601N
retrieves and interprets SAME code messages and
alerts the user. When SAME/CLC codes for a specific
region have been entered into the unit, the unit alerts
the user to relevant warning information for the
specified region. Once alerted, a voice broadcast can
be heard. At the end of the broadcast message, the
listener will hear a brief end-of-message static burst.
In Standby mode, the unit will retrieve messages from
a specific location and then the voice radio will
automatically activate so that voice message can be
heard. Several minutes after the message is
completed, the unit will automatically deactivate the
voice radio and revert to Standby mode.
Successful operation of the WR601N requires that the
user obtain appropriate NWR/Weatheradio Canada
channels and SAME/CLC codes for a specific county
or region.
After NWR information on finding channels and
frequencies, add the same information for Weathera-
dio Canada as included in the Quick Start Guide.