Balancing the Telescope: To eliminate stresses on the EQ equatorial mounts and to ensure smooth,
(i)Locate the right ascension clamp and loosen it whilst holding the telescope tube. Turn the telescope about this axis until the counterweight bar is approximately horizontal. GENTLY release your grip on the tube and note if the counterweight has a tendency to fall or rise: if it RISES, unlock the counter- weight locking screw and slide it away from the telescope; if it FALLS , slowly slide the counterweight towards the telescope side of the mount. Repeat this process until the counterweight bar remains in one place with- out support and clamp the counterweight
screw firmly - the telescope is now balanced about the polar (right ascension) axis.
(ii)With the counterweight bar horizontal, ensure that the right ascension clamp is locked and unlock the declination clamp and turn the telescope tube so that it is also hori- zontal. As before, GENTLY release your grip
on the tube and note is there is a tendency for one end to rise in the air. If so, slowly loosen
the clamps holding the tube and slowly slide the tube towards the end that rises. Lock the tube clamp rings once more and see if the telescope remains horizontal when so posi- tioned. Repeat this process until the telescope remains wherever you place it.
The telescope is now balanced about both the declination and polar (right ascension) axes, In due course you will add various acces- sories to the telescope that will slightly alter the balance position particularly if it is a cam- era for astrophotography) in which case you will have to go through processes (i) and (ii) again, but for now you may care to mark the balance points on the counterweight bar and the telescope tube with small pieces of tape for fast assembly in future.
AZ-3 EQ3-2