F. Impor t a nt I nformation
Please read these instructions carefully before
assembly and use.
Retain these instructions for future reference.
For outdoors use only – do not use indoors. Do
not use below ground level.
For use with LPG bottled gas only. A fixed
pressure regulator of 28 mbar must be used for
butane or 37mbar for propane. The use of an
adjustable regulator is dangerous and must never
be used with this barbecue.
Remove lava rock from plastic bag before lighting.
Do not use within 1m of any flammable structure
or surface.
LP gas cylinders should not be placed directly
underneath the barbecue.
LP gas cylinders must not be stored or used in the
horizontal position. A leak would be very serious
and liquid could enter the gas line.
When igniting barbecue open its hood before
Do not move the barbecue while alight.
This barbecue must not be left unattended when
The hood handle can become very hot. Grip only
the centre of the handle. Use of a cooking glove is
Use caution when opening the hood, as hot
steam inside is relea sed upon openin g.
Parts of this barbecue become very hot – care
must be taken when children, elderly people, and
animals are present.
Always turn off the gas bottle when the barbecue
is not in use.
Never cover a barbecue until it has completely
cool ed.
Leak test the barbecue annually. Check that the
hose connection to the barbecue is tight and leak
test whenever the gas bottle is reconnected.
Do not store fl ammabl e mate rials near this
Do not use aerosols near this barbecue.
Failure to follow the manual’s instructions could
result in serious injury or damage.
If you have any queries regarding these
instructions, contact your local dealer.
G . G as a nd Regul at or
This barbecue can run on butane or propane LPG
(liq uid pe trole um gas) bot tled g as. Buta ne gas i s
norma ll y su pplie d in bl ue bot tle s. P ropa ne gas i s
supplied under a number of different names and
bottle colours. Butane gas is suitable for your
barbecue in normal use but you may notice a
decrease in performance when the gas temperature
starts to fall below +10 degrees Celsius. If this
happens we recommend propane gas is used. If in
doubt, please consult your gas dealer/distributor. The
gas bottle should never be stood on the trolley base
or placed directly under the barbecue. Do not use or
store a gas bottle on its side.
For optimal performance, we suggest the following:
Suit able regul ato rs for but ane must ha ve an outl et
pressure of 28mbar. For propane, the regulator must
have an outlet pressure of 37mbar. YOU MUST
WARRANTY . If in doubt, please consult your gas
H. Installation
H1. Selecting a Location
This barbecue is for outdoor use only and should be
placed in a well-ventilated area. Take care to ensure
that it is no t placed UNDER an y comb ustible surface .
The sides of the barbecue should NEVER be closer
than 1 metre from any combustible surface. Keep
this barbecue away fro m any fl am m ab le m aterials !
H2. Precautions
Do not obstruct any ventilation openings in the
barbecue body. Position the gas supply bottle on
level ground next to the barbecue and safely away
from any source of heat. Should you need to change
the gas bottle, confirm that the barbecue is switched
off, and that there are no sources of ignition
(cigarettes, open flame, sparks, etc.) near before
proceeding. Inspect the gas hose to ensure it is free
of any twisting or tension. The hose should hang
freely with no bends, folds, or kinks that could
obstruct free flow of gas. Apart from the connection
point, no part of the hose should touch any hot
barbecue parts. Always inspect the hose for cuts,
cracks, or excessive wear before use. If the hose is
dama ge d, it m ust b e re pl a ced with ho se su i tabl e for
use with LPG and meet the national standards for the
country of use. The length of the hose shall not
exce ed 1.5m . N.B .- Th e da te on U. K . or ange ho se i s
the date of manufacture, not the expiry date.
Model Butane Minimum
Bottle Size Propane Minimum
Bottle Size
Omega100 6kg 3.9kg
Omega 200 6kg 3.9kg
Omega 300 15kg 6kg