Chapter 5 Page 69
Looking up names to add to expense records
In Expense, Lookup displays the names of Contacts entries in Phonebook that ha ve data in the
Company field. You can add these names to a list of attendees associated with an Expen se
To add names to an Expense record:
1. Open the Expense record to which you want to add names.
2. Tap Details.
3. Tap Who.
4. Tap Lookup.
The Attendees Lookup screen displays all the names of Contacts entries in Phonebook that
have data in the Company field.
5. Use the scroll buttons to select the name you want to add.
6. Press Space or Return .
The name appears in the Attendees screen.
7. Repeat steps 4 through 6 to add more names.
8. Hold Option and press Return twice to finish.
Tap here