Chapter 5 Page 75
Performing a HotSync operation for the first time
The first time you synchronize your data, you need to enter user information on both the
communicator and Palm Desktop software. After you enter this information and synchronize, the
HotSync Manager recognizes your communicator and doesn’t ask for this information again.
If you are a System Administrator preparing several communicators for a group of users, you may
want to create a user profile. See the section that begins on page 207 before performing the
following steps.
Important: You must use the HotSync cable for your first HotSync operation.
The following steps assume that you have already installed the Palm Desktop software. If you
have not installed this software, see page 25 for instructions.
To perform a local HotSync operation:
1. Connect your communicator to the Hotsync cable. See the section that begins on page 23
for details.
2. If the HotSync Manager is not running, start it: On the Windows desktop, click Start, and then
choose Programs. Navigate to the Handspring (or Palm) program group and choose HotSync
Manager. Alternatively, you can start the Palm Desktop software which automatically opens
the HotSync Manager.
3. Press the HotSync button on the cable.
Important: The first time you perform a HotSync operation, you must enter a user name in the
New User dialog box and click OK. Every communicator should have a unique
name. To prevent loss of a user’s records, never try to synchronize more than one
communicator to the same user name.
4. From the Select User dialog box, choose the user name you assigned to your communicator.
The HotSync Progress dialog box appears and synchronization begins.