Chapter 5 Page 77
3. Under Record, select one of the following:
The Beam command for an individual record (/B)
In the Contacts view in PhoneBook only: Beam Business Card (/M)
Beam Category (/Y)
4. When the Beam Status dialog box appears, point the IR port directly at the IR port of the
receiving communicator.
Tip: For best results, Treo communicators should be between 10 and 50 centimeters (about
4 - 20 inches) apart, and the path between the two communicators must be clear of
obstacles. Beaming distance to other Palm OS devices may be different.
5. Wait for the Beam Status dialog box to indicate that the transfer is complete before you
continue working on your communicator.
To beam an application:
1. Press Option and then press Menu to access the Applications Launcher.
2. Press Menu .
3. Under App, select Beam (/B).
4. Tap the application you want to transfer.
Note: Some applicati ons are copy-protected and cannot be beamed. These are listed with
a lock icon next to them.
5. Tap Beam.
6. When the Beam Status dialog box appears, point the IR port directly at the IR port of the
receiving communicator.
7. Wait for the Beam Status dialog box to indicate that the transfer is complete before you
continue working on your communicator.