2.1.3 IDE Setup Configure an Outbound Attribute on Ignition Server for VLAN
The following chart displays the outbound attribute values required by the ERS8600 for each
access level for RADIUS vendor identifier 1584 (Bay Networks) attribute type 192. For this
example, we will configure IDE with attribute values of 1, 5, and 6.
Access Level Attribute Value User Name
None-Access 0
Read-Only-Access 1 8600ro
L1-Read-Write-Access 2
L2-Read-Write-Access 3
L3-Read-Write-Access 4
Read-Write-Access 5 8600rw
Read-Write-All-Access 6 8600rwa
IDE Step 1 – IDE already has the vendor specific attributes defined (Bay Networks vendor
code 1584 using attribute type 192) for the ERS8600 which can be viewed by going to
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