Panasonic TH-50PHD7WK/WS Side Panel Adjustment, Dpms Display Power Management Signaling


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The Industry's Best Overall Picture Quality

Functions that Improve Usability

Technologies for Increasing Contrast and Gradation

Stunning 4000:1 Dark-Area Contrast* — ￿ New Real Black Drive System￿

High-Contrast Images with a High S/N Ratio — Adaptive AGC￿

Our previous automatic gain control (AGC) detected the brightness level of the entire image, then boosted it as necessary. This had a

Two Different Images on One Screen — ￿ Dual Picture Mode￿

You can simultaneously display images from any two different kinds of AV sources connected. Or, adding one of the optional terminal boards

Enhanced Screen Saver Functions￿

A variety of screen saver functions help minimise the risk of uneven phosphor aging.You can also use the timer to set the screen saver operating cycles, operating time, and start and stop times. This lets

By reducing the pre-discharge emission when reproducing black, the New Real Black Drive System provides deeper, richer blacks and a stunning 4000:1 contrast*. The result is dramatically enhanced image clarity and realism.￿

* For the SD models.￿



Weak pre-discharge emissions 12 (Contrast: 550 : 1)

intensityEmission 1 field

Strong pre-discharge emission 1 (Contrast: 400 :1)

intensityEmission 1 field


Weak pre-discharge emission 1

(Contrast: 4000 :1)

Emission intensity

1 field

Real Black Drive

drawback, in that it tended to increase noise and black-out parts of the image where the video signal did not require boosting. Adaptive AGC raises contrast while suppressing noise by detecting and boosting only the image edges.￿

Note: The default setting for the Adaptive AGC is OFF.￿


lets you display images from two of the same type of image source, such as two PCs or two DVD players. This function allows you to take full advantage of the plasma display's large screen.￿


























































































Picture-And-Picture mode splits


Picture-Out-Picture mode displays

Picture-In-Picture mode




a small picture on the right side of

superimposes a small sub-screen

the screen in half and shows


you make settings that match your application.￿

•White￿ Bar Scroll:White bars move across the screen from left to ￿ ￿right at regular intervals. Good for ordinary still-image displays.￿

•Screen￿ Reversal:￿ ￿Displays images ￿ ￿with the black and ￿ ￿white reversed. ￿ ￿Good for text ￿ ￿displays.￿

Even Higher Bright-Area Contrast — ￿

Deep Black Filter￿

The front protective glass of the plasma display panel incorporates a Deep Black Filter that suppresses light transmittance and slashes the amount of external light reflected. This helps our displays achieve the industry's highest level of contrast when viewed in bright

surroundings. ￿


1,536 Shades of Gradation in Dark Scenes — ￿ New Super Real Gamma System￿

In scenes with low brightness levels, the New Super Real Gamma System reproduces gradation in steps equivalent to 1,536 shades. In other words, this original, non-linear signal processing system provides superior performance at brightness levels where the human eye sees best. As a result, it adds subtle nuances to darker scenes

and gives images greater depth.￿


ConventionalNew Super Real Gamma System

Technologies for Increasing Brightness


Adaptive AGC

Technologies for Improving Picture Clarity and Colours

Cleaner Moving Images — ￿ High-Precision MPD Noise Reduction￿

This newly developed technology dramatically reduces MPD (Motion Picture Disturbance) noise to deliver crisp, clean moving images. Using a Panasonic original algorithm, it detects motion patterns that tend to generate noise and makes the necessary adjustments to maximize image quality. And it does this without diminishing the

quality of stationary objects, such as those in the background. ￿









￿ ConventionalMPD Noise Reduction


Vibrant Colours and Natural Skin Tones — ￿

different pictures on each half. ￿

the screen.￿

picture over a full-screen picture. ￿





Up to 4x Enlargement of Image Zones — ￿ Digital Zoom￿

This function lets you enlarge a portion of an image by up to four times normal size and display it on the full screen. Use this function to give your presentations greater


*Digital￿ Zoom does not work in Dual Picture ￿￿ ￿mode. Images of SXGA resolution or higher ￿￿ ￿from a PC or RGB source may not enlarge ￿￿ ￿correctly. Some degradation occurs when ￿￿ ￿images are enlarged. ￿











•Side￿ Panel Adjustment:￿

￿Brightens the black ￿ ￿bands on the sides ￿

￿of the screen when ￿ ￿displaying images ￿

￿in the 4:3 format.￿

•Wobbling:￿ Shifts the image's position by several pixels at fixed ￿ ￿time intervals.￿

•Peak￿ Limit Mode:Lowers the peak brightness level ￿ ￿(image contrast) by 30%.￿


Energy-Saving Functions￿

A broad range of environment-friendly functions help minimise energy consumption.￿

•DPMS￿ (Display Power Management Signaling)￿

￿Power is automatically turned on or off in response to a sync signal ￿ ￿from the PC connected to the built-in PC input terminal. ￿

• Auto Power Off￿

￿When you're using a device connected to the multi-function slots, ￿ ￿the display panel goes into standby mode after about 10 minutes if ￿ ￿￿no sync signal is received.￿

• Power Save Mode￿

￿Reduces the display's brightness.￿

• Standby Power Save Mode￿

￿Reduces power consumption when on standby. (Start-up may take a ￿

10% Brighter Images — ￿￿

New MACH Panel with Bounded Cell Structure￿

3D Colour Management System￿

3D Colour Management System is a new correction process that




￿few moments once the display is in this mode.)￿


Front Button Control￿

The New MACH (Multi-



facet Asymmetrical



Configuration Hyper-pixel)



Panel features a bounded



cell structure in which



wall-like ribs are used to



wrap each individual cell.



By increasing the area in

Conventional ￿

New bounded cell ￿

which the phosphor can

stripe rib structure


be applied, this



dramatically improves both light-emitting efficiency and intensity. Furthermore, improvements to the drive circuit and plasma gas inside the panel have enabled Panasonic to boost peak brightness while actually lowering power consumption compared with our previous models. As a result, peak brightness is boosted by 10% compared with a previous Panasonic model. ￿

The new panel structure boasts a long service life of 60,000 hours*. A newly developed phosphor also raises the plasma displays' resistance to static-image screen burning to the same level as CRT displays.￿

*￿The time until panel brightness is reduced to half its initial level. The service ￿ ￿life given above is intended as a guideline when displaying standard moving ￿ ￿images. However, this time varies depending on the content of the images ￿ ￿displayed and the usage environment. ￿


works in a three-dimensional colour matrix (hue, saturation, and brightness) rather than the conventional two-dimensional colour difference plane. By correcting hue and brightness independently and providing finer control, this process delivers vibrant colours and natural skin tones. ￿

Note: The default setting for the 3D Colour Management System is OFF.￿

Technologies for Enhancing Resolution and Sharpness

Better Vertical Resolution — Active I/P Conversion￿

The Active I/P (Interlace/Progressive) Conversion system detects slow movements more precisely by increasing the range for detecting moving-picture and still-picture pixels. This reduces I/P conversion noise that often occurs when reproducing tiny movements, thereby producing crisper images while raising the vertical resolution in interlaced images.￿



Active I/P Conversion

Huge Display Equivalent to 260-inches — ￿ Multi-Screen Applications￿

The built-in image-enlarging function makes it easier to set up multi- screen displays featuring four (2 x 2), nine (3 x 3), or sixteen (4 x 4) units. For example, with sixteen 65-inch displays you can configure a huge display equivalent to 260 inches by simply connecting ordinary cables. That's the kind of display that catches eyes at shopping malls and event sites. This function works with component video signals, so you can use enlarged images from DVD and other high-quality sources in your display. ￿

*The￿ image-enlarging ￿￿ ￿function operates on ￿￿ ￿video signal and on ￿￿

￿PC/RGB signal up to ￿￿ ￿XGA mode. However, ￿ ￿a normal display may ￿￿ ￿not be obtained with ￿￿ ￿some PC/RGB ￿￿ ￿signals.￿




Note:The￿ ambient temperature varies depending on the installation location. ￿ ￿ Provide sufficient air conditioning for surrounding conditions. ￿



The five buttons on the front bezel give you instant access to all major functions via an easy-to-read on-screen menu display.￿


Fan-Less Quiet Operation￿

Our "silence engineering" has eliminated the

need for a fan — and fan noise — giving you the kind of quiet operation that makes for a more pleasant viewing experience.￿

(TH-65PHD7 and TH-50PHD7 feature a noise-suppressing silence design.)￿


Vertical Mounting￿

Panasonic plasma display can be positioned vertically to display portrait images and can serve as an effective storefront electronic signboard. ￿

•Optional￿ Fan Kit for Vertical ￿ ￿Mounting Applications￿

TY-UPK50HV7 (for TH-50PHD7)￿

TY-UPK42HV7 (for TH-42PHD7)￿

*Operating temperature: 0 to 35°C￿





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Panasonic TH-50PHD7WK/WS Side Panel Adjustment, Dpms Display Power Management Signaling, Auto Power Off, Power Save Mode

TH-42PHD7WK/WS, TH-65PHD7WK, TH-50PHD7WK/WS, TH-42PWD7WK/WS specifications

The Panasonic TH-42PWD7WK/WS, TH-50PHD7WK/WS, TH-65PHD7WK, and TH-42PHD7WK/WS are part of Panasonic’s acclaimed series of plasma displays, renowned for their exceptional picture quality and versatile performance. These models are tailored for both professional and home use, delivering impressive aesthetics alongside advanced display technologies.

One of the standout features of these models is their stunning resolution. The displays boast a high definition resolution, providing sharp and clear images that enhance the viewing experience. With a native resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels, these panels produce vibrant colors and deep blacks, making them ideal for a range of applications from corporate presentations to home theater setups.

Equipped with Panasonic’s advanced NeoPDP technology, these plasma screens offer improved brightness and energy efficiency compared to earlier models. NeoPDP not only enhances picture clarity but also increases the display’s lifespan. This technology ensures that images are vivid and dynamic, even in brightly lit environments, making these models perfect for both indoor and outdoor settings.

Another significant feature of the TH series is its excellent color reproduction. These plasma screens support a wide color gamut, enabling the display of rich, accurate colors that appeal to the most discerning viewers. They also come with various image enhancement technologies, such as the Advanced Colour Management system, which allows users to fine-tune color settings for a personalized viewing experience.

In terms of connectivity, the TH series is equipped with a range of input options, including HDMI, VGA, and component video inputs, ensuring compatibility with various devices. This versatility makes them suitable for multiple applications, including digital signage, video wall setups, and private entertainment systems.

The robust build quality of these models adds to their appeal. With a sleek design and durable construction, they fit seamlessly into any environment, whether in a business setting or at home. Additionally, their lightweight design facilitates easier installation and configuration.

Overall, the Panasonic TH-42PWD7WK/WS, TH-50PHD7WK/WS, TH-65PHD7WK, and TH-42PHD7WK/WS represent a powerful combination of cutting-edge display technology, exceptional image quality, and user-friendly features. Whether for professional presentations or home entertainment, these models stand ready to deliver an outstanding visual experience. Their reliability and performance make them a preferred choice for many users seeking high-quality plasma displays.