Receiving Documents

Your machine is provided with both automatic and manual reception modes. The selection of either reception mode is made with Fax Parameter No. 17 (RCV MODE).

Automatic Reception

Your machine will receive documents automatically if the Fax Parameter No. 17 (RECEIVE MODE) is set to ºAutoº (See page 36).

Manual Reception

You may wish to receive documents manually if you use the telephone line in your office primarily as a personal telephone and occasionally for your facsimile machine.

To receive documents manually, change the Fax Parameter No. 17 (RECEIVE MODE) to ºManualº (See page 36) and the following message will be shown on the display.

08±MAR±1997 15:00 MANUAL RCV 00%

To receive documents manually


When the telephone rings, lift the handset (See Note). If

you hear a beep, the sound tells you that someone wants

to send a document.




Remove any documents from the ADF.



Your machine starts receiving the document.

Hang up the telephone.

Note: Your machine requires an optional fax handset or an external telephone connected to the TEL jack on the rear of the machine.